travelling thru L-Space till Ook! and brainf***..
idlin at this time of night, nothin else to do.. not feelin sleepy either.. why not do somethin interestin?
there's Pyramids lyin beside me.. reminds me of L-Space.. so I utter L-Space to google n it reveals some places to start with.. first hit - has a lotta stuff.. beginnin frm about Terry Pratchett till his fan-club, some games based on discworld series etc..
I decide to explore his Books & Writings.. which proved to be a very time-complex operation btw ;) coz it has a lotta stuff too.. moreover, it happens to be interesting as well :) not a frequently found combination.. now a quick list of very interesting stuff found over there wud be like this:
deciding not to go over anymore places suggested by google, I move on to Wikipedia to hear its version on L-Space.. the line about the librarian over there pulls me into the page about (formerly) Dr. Horace - librarian of L-Space ;) an interesting personality (?!) of course ;)
someone on the page says, s/he's unsure if the librarian can program in Ook!
now why should a librarian of Discworld know "Ook!"?! strange, I thought.. it's already late enuf, but I decide to find out the connection anyways.. but finally, finding the connection wasn't a waste.. the connection is very funny.. find it out urself ;) but all I can say is that the name of the language comes from the primary vocabulary of the librarian [LOL]
the language itself is very interesting ;) the grammar comprises of only three words: Ook. , Ook? and Ook! :) the complete grammar is a set of 8 operators which basically are the set of complete permutations of the basic 3 keywords taken in pairs :))
a very simple language isnt it? if u're not yet convinced with the language, here I quote a lil description of the same found on Wikipedia Ook! page:
One advantage of Ook! over other computer languages is that its programs can be easily read aloud without significant loss of intelligibility. Spoken Ook! is also relevant to linguistics as the simplest and purest example of a tonal language.
the page has a link to an Ook! interpreter written in perl to ease the learning curve ;)
the page also says that Ook! has been derived from brainfuck1.. turns out, this's the most compact language anyone wud ever find ;) (anyone being just me ;) ) any programming enthusiast shud definitely check it out.. or at least be aware of it ;)
it so happens that brainfuck too has a parent language called P'' (pronounced Pee prime prime)..
huh.. seems like the links'd link on forever.. it's too late already.. so I stop here.. but I've decided to learn Ook! (and brainf*ck if possible) [ROTFL]
1 brainfuck is an esoteric computer programming language noted for its extreme minimalism. It was designed to challenge and amuse(?!) programmers, and is not suitable for practical use. Its name has been variously euphemized, as in brainf*ck, since its name contains the word fuck. The name of the language is generally not capitalized, despite the fact that it is a proper noun.
idlin at this time of night, nothin else to do.. not feelin sleepy either.. why not do somethin interestin?
there's Pyramids lyin beside me.. reminds me of L-Space.. so I utter L-Space to google n it reveals some places to start with.. first hit - has a lotta stuff.. beginnin frm about Terry Pratchett till his fan-club, some games based on discworld series etc..
I decide to explore his Books & Writings.. which proved to be a very time-complex operation btw ;) coz it has a lotta stuff too.. moreover, it happens to be interesting as well :) not a frequently found combination.. now a quick list of very interesting stuff found over there wud be like this:
- The Annotated Pratchett File 9.0 - nice compilation of annotations in Terry Pratchett's books.. sorted by book title etc..
- The Pratchett Quote File 6.0 - one-liners, catchy phrases etc.. sorted by book title..
- The Discworld Who's Who
- Death Lists - list of people who've died on Discworld.. sorted by book title.. definitely funny [ROTFL] my recommended link [if you'd take it ;) ]..
deciding not to go over anymore places suggested by google, I move on to Wikipedia to hear its version on L-Space.. the line about the librarian over there pulls me into the page about (formerly) Dr. Horace - librarian of L-Space ;) an interesting personality (?!) of course ;)
someone on the page says, s/he's unsure if the librarian can program in Ook!
now why should a librarian of Discworld know "Ook!"?! strange, I thought.. it's already late enuf, but I decide to find out the connection anyways.. but finally, finding the connection wasn't a waste.. the connection is very funny.. find it out urself ;) but all I can say is that the name of the language comes from the primary vocabulary of the librarian [LOL]
the language itself is very interesting ;) the grammar comprises of only three words: Ook. , Ook? and Ook! :) the complete grammar is a set of 8 operators which basically are the set of complete permutations of the basic 3 keywords taken in pairs :))
a very simple language isnt it? if u're not yet convinced with the language, here I quote a lil description of the same found on Wikipedia Ook! page:
One advantage of Ook! over other computer languages is that its programs can be easily read aloud without significant loss of intelligibility. Spoken Ook! is also relevant to linguistics as the simplest and purest example of a tonal language.
the page has a link to an Ook! interpreter written in perl to ease the learning curve ;)
the page also says that Ook! has been derived from brainfuck1.. turns out, this's the most compact language anyone wud ever find ;) (anyone being just me ;) ) any programming enthusiast shud definitely check it out.. or at least be aware of it ;)
it so happens that brainfuck too has a parent language called P'' (pronounced Pee prime prime)..
huh.. seems like the links'd link on forever.. it's too late already.. so I stop here.. but I've decided to learn Ook! (and brainf*ck if possible) [ROTFL]
1 brainfuck is an esoteric computer programming language noted for its extreme minimalism. It was designed to challenge and amuse(?!) programmers, and is not suitable for practical use. Its name has been variously euphemized, as in brainf*ck, since its name contains the word fuck. The name of the language is generally not capitalized, despite the fact that it is a proper noun.
Terry Pratchett and the Disc World Rocks !! or quoting the librarian "ook" :D
Apoorv Gawde, at December 30, 2005 at 11:07:00 AM GMT+5:30
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