potty thoughts

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Thursday, November 03, 2005

dead net connection?! huh..
just an hour ago went dead my net connection.. winamp stops screaming and my IE freezes (one thing that it is best at doing ;) ), and my firefox shouts 'BANG, the document contains no data'.. :O I'm puzzled.. wtf happened?! I try loggin in to my gateway only to find it cribbin that my subscription has expired..
what?! already? I dont remember when I got this connection.. but doesn't feel like a month yet.. k.. 'll take care of it tomorrow.. but what to do now? it's mid-night already.. I can't call up my ISP complaining abt this.. and even if I'm crazy enough to do that, they won't recharge it until tomorrow :( ..... well, I have no better work to be accomplished, so why not try to get a few free hours?

fire the scanner and I find a lot of systems on my n/w.. but they don't giv up their hostnames.. crap.. well, I see there are abt 6-7 of them with proper hostnames, me being one of them.. I try the first name as the login with the same password.. bingo! it works.. but shit! he's using the connection.. I don't feel like kickin him out.. so I try the others.. hard luck :( shud I kick him out? doesnt sound like a decent idea.. but well, let that be my last option..

what else can I do? k.. why not try some of the obvious names? k.. my first try - rahul.. (with the same password of course ;) ) and voila! it's a valid one.. but wait.. even that loser has his subscription expired.. k.. next one - raju.. even that's a hit.. man.. I'm too good at guessin.. but wait... even this one's expired.. damn! why does my every hit have to be an expired one?! k.. next guess - nisha.. bad luck.. maybe I'm not that good at guessin :( I was goin good wit boys' names.. maybe the names starting with R r most common.. I was goin good wit them.. next guess - rajesh.. bingo! a perfect hit! a valid account.. 256K Unlimited.. same as mine, so I wont be at a loss :) and probably he's asleep now, coz he has no runnin sessions right now.. cool..

so here I'm, listenin to some nice music, and bloggin abt this :)

thinkin a bit seriously abt this, I'm in now because of the crappy security of my gateway.. if you can get hold of the login name, u're in.. u might be thinkin that the customers are way too stupid to change their passwords.. but nah! coz I'm one of the customers ;) well, the first thing I did on activating my connection was to change my password.. and after a while my net connection goes boom and when I try to login, it says Access Denied. I was puzzled, coz my new password was still afresh in my memory.. it's not even an hour yet! has my memory become so weak?! then I tried logging in with my login and password being same, and I'm connected :O
was I dreaming or did I really change my password?! I change it again and this time write it down just to be sure that I did change it.. and the same thing repeats.. after about 5-6 failed attempts to change my password, I give up.. I tell this to my service provider, but he doesn't seem to understand.. rather he gives me a nice suggestion - 'Sir, don't change ur password, keep it the same as ur login' ..... at first my reaction is 'what?! wtf ?!' then I realize, ah! this' good :) my connection is unlimited.. so I don't have to be bothered about someone misusing it. and in return, I get to use other's account when my account is screwed up ;) but what I had in my mind was the case like when the account gets screwed up due to some problem wit my ISP.. but hey, this turned out to be really good finally.. better than I thought.. now I don't have to hurry up and recharge my subscription :) I can relax, wait till the sunrise (or 2-3 sunrises if I wish ;) ) and then think about recharging :)

lesson to be learnt.. ah! r there any? well, yea.. "u'll find means to get into the n/w only when u're forcefully kicked off the network".. :)) [in other words: 'all paths from a disconnected network lead to a connected network' :)) ]
other than that? well, it's obvious , aint it?


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