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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

completion of one great year! =D>
today's the day I complete an year @ ThoughtWorks :).. exactly an year ago, I started as a Thoughtworker with the first official 'Bootcamp' (as it was called ;) ).. I started with so many dreams.. and started very unconfident.. wasn't really sure if I was good enough to be a thoughtworker.. sometimes I thought it's a mere coincidence of events that I got in.. (the year hasn't changed much of it tho :D )

it's great to complete an year because I never thought I'd stay here for an year.. in fact I never thought I'd stay in any company for an year :D.. well, it's coz my words, before being placed in TW were, - "I wouldn't settle down in any company for at least two years, and would change at least 4 companies before I'd settle down in my dream company" :D.. that makes it a company every 6th month! hmm.. maybe I wasn't being very realistic then.. maybe was just a lil overconfident.. but then, maybe I'd have really done that if I were in any place other than TW :D.. after getting into TW, I stopped even attempting for any other company..

in fact, I feel a lil bad about not attempting for another company.. well, the reason being my egos.. couldn't tolerate it when someone got into some biggie and rejected that offer, but then roamed around bragging that he was the only one capable of gettin thru that.. huh.. I felt I should've at least attempted it, even if it was just to reject the offer.. but well, that's another story

I never really thought I'd make it into TW.. it was my dream company.. don't really know why.. first time I heard about TW was when Manju mentioned it, sometime during my 6th sem.. (I still wonder how, but he even said I'd definitely make it into TW and suggested me to wait till TW comes to the campus! I dunno his reasoning, but he for sure didn't kno abt TW then..) somehow, over time, TW settled in my mind as my dream company.. the place where I'd settle down (of course after switching 4 companies :D ).. even when I wrote the TW test, I was pretty calm n relaxed.. one reason being the pretty decent offer I had.. but mainly coz I thought I can't make it and would be writing it again in another year.. couldn't really believe myself as I cleared through every stage of the process.. (most surprising part being that I was the only one to clear it :) )

well, honestly it's a great place to be in.. it's the work environment, the people around, friends and (to a certain extent) the work itself that makes TW so fascinating to work for.. the cubicles in my friends' offices seem so repelling.. I really don't kno how (and if) I would ever survive if I happen to get out of this place :D.. of course there might be (and of course there will be) companies where the work environment is so friendly, and the people around so bright.. but at least I haven't been able to find one..

this year has been pretty good.. well, in fact I can't really decide if it was good or bad :D.. this's the year that has left me the most confused.. it's only now that I realize I'm not really sure of whatever I'm doing.. this's the year that has taught me a lot, beyond what I can grasp, both professionally and otherwise.. the year when I've swayed between complete extremes.. from some of my happiest moments till some of the most hurting and embarrassing moments.. from the most hopeless moments till the brightest ones.. (guess the extremes go hand in hand with XP ;) ).. this's the year when I've been the craziest, most insane ;) done acts that're the most stupid and nonsense (which I hope I'd never repeat again :D ).. this's the year that has changed me a lot (another XP thing? ;) guess I blend into the eXtreme Programming model pretty nicely :D )

to sum it all, an experience that I can never forget (even if I wish to)..


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