potty thoughts

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

a lil Photoshop'ing
here's some modern art I did when I was a kid ;)..
hmm.. can't believe it? neither do I :D
this isn't some painting, but just some scrap made out of remaining water colours after the actual painting was done.. if I remember correctly, the actual painting was for some assignment, possibly for the infamous Mr. Sharanappa (a.k.a. ... well, u wouldn't wanna kno)

somehow, my mom chose to preserve this one.. she says it looks nice..
neways, just wanted a subject to play around with Photoshop.. so here're the results..

This one's after the original painting (?) was brough into Photoshop, smoothened out and made a lil nicer.. all other images are after applying some filters over this one..

After Chrome Filter..

Added some Texture..

Some filter called a Graphic Pen Filter.. the name doesn't make much sense tho..

Another one called the Note Paper Filter..

And finally, the original crap that I created.. :D


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